Monday, 9 January 2012



I noticed many publishers screaming of the hug numbers of scam sites so we will not live forever to discover scams sites and in one moment we may be let all of the network business because of al of this
For that reason we calculate the scams sites in alphabetical lists and we start today with sites began with (A) so Beware of these SCAM Sites 40 sites

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Sunday, 8 January 2012



Before applying the scientific approach to the study of the markets, a number of things must be considered. First, a universe of reliable market data on which to perform back-testing and statistical analyses must be available.
Now the market data used as the basis for our universe on an end-of-day time frame will be a subset of the diverse set of markets supplied by Pinnacle Data Corporation: these include the agriculturals, metals, energy resources, bonds, currencies, and market indices. Intraday time-frame trading is not addressed in this blog, although it is one of our primary areas of interest that may be pursued in a subsequent volume. In addition to standard pricing data, explorations into the effects of various exogenous factors on the markets sometimes require unusual data. For example, data on sunspot activity (solar radiation may influence a number of markets, especially agricultural ones) was obtained from the Royal Observatory of Belgium.

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How does this apply to modern search engines

How does this apply to modern search engines

The funny thing is that modern-day search engines still work essentially the same way they did back in the time of keyword density. The big difference is that they are now much more sophisticated. Instead of simply counting the number of times a word or phrase is on a webpage, they use natural language processing algorithms and other signals on a page to determine relevancy.
For example, it is now fairly trivial for search engines to determine that a piece of content is about Jessica Simpson if it mentions related phrases like “Nick Lachey” (her exhusband), “Ashlee Simpson” (her sister), and “Chicken of the Sea” (she is infamous for thinking the tuna brand “Chicken of the Sea” was made from chicken). The engines can do this for a multitude of languages and with astonishing accuracy.

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Intended to accomplish a systematic and detailed analysis of the individual components that make up a complete trading system. We are proposing nothing less than a scientific study of entries, exits, and other trading system elements. The basic substance of the scientific approach as applied herein is as f0110ws:
1. The object of study, in this case a trading system (or one or more of its elements), must be either directly or indirectly observable, preferably without dependence on subjective judgment, something easily achieved with proper testing and simulation software when working with complete mechanical trading systems.

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Understanding Search Engine Optimization

Understanding Search Engine Optimization

At Google, search engineers talk about “80-20” problems. They are describing situations where the last 20 percent of the problem is 80 percent of the work. Learning SEO is one of these problems. Eighty percent of the knowledge SEOs need is available online for free.
Unfortunately, the remaining 20 percent takes the majority of the time and energy to find and understand. My goal with this book is to solve this problem by making the last 20 percent as easy to get as the first 80 percent. Though I don’t think I will be able to cover the entire 20 percent (some of it comes from years of practice), I am going to write as much actionable advanced material as humanly possible.

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The Most Complete List of High Quality Paid Traffic Sources Anywhere On The Internet

The Most Complete List of High Quality Paid Traffic Sources Anywhere On The Internet – Massive Advertising Network which reaches 140 million US People and serves over 20 Billion Impressions per Month. – Another HUGE Advertising Network with 319 million impressions per day on over 100,00 different sites. Offers a lot of different options for site targeting, keyword targeting, demographic targeting, etc. – This Network used to be called Has a very wide reach and some ultra-precise targeting you can use to improve conversions and make more money. 

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Friday, 6 January 2012



Given a mechanical trading system that contains an entry model to generate entry orders and an exit model to generate exit orders (including those required for money management), how are the entries and exits evaluated to determine whether they are good? In other words, what constitutes a good entry or exit?
Notice we used the terms entry orders and exit orders, not entry or exit signals.

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One of the problems witb Katz’s early trading was that his “system” only provided entry signals, leaving the determination of exits to subjective judgment; it was not, therefore, a complete, mechanical trading system. A complete, mechanical trading system, one that can be tested and deployed in a totally objective fashion, without requiring human judgment, must provide both entries and exits.
To be truly complete, a mechanical system must explicitly provide the following information:
1. When and how, and possibly at what price, to enter the market
2. When and how, and possibly at what price, to exit the market with a loss
3. When and how, and possibly at what price, to exit the market with a profit

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Great steep for bloggers: naming Considerations

Great steep for bloggers: naming Considerations

There are many considerations that should go into your choice of name. It is good practice to begin examining other brands in the commercial world to consider why they work (or don’t). Here are some issues you should look at when devising a brand name:

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What is a Brand? The great question for any bloggers

What is a Brand? The great question for any bloggers

A brand is a collection of elements that help define what your product is. For a blog, a brand will include the blog’s name, its logo, the tone of voice and style of writing, the types of articles, the look of the website, the imagery it uses, the way it markets itself, and even the style of headlines!
When you create a brand for a blog it helps readers remember who you are, what you stand for, and how to find you. If the brand is representing a great product – like a blog readers enjoy – then the brand provides the handle to recommend the blog to friends, to link to from other sites, and provides leverage that you can then use to create other products and services.

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Adsense is a win-win situation for all the players

Adsense is a win-win situation for all the players

Google’s contextual advertising program Adsense has been around since June
2003. Back then the program was open only to webmasters with their own domain names and many quickly took up the opportunity to cash in on their labor of love sites.
When the Big G announced that they were expanding Adsense to accommodate free sites, some people scoffed at the idea because they believe that freebie sites are full of junk.
I first learnt of this move while browsing around a few webmaster forums and to my surprise some persons were against this move by Google.
I believe that Google’s intention is to bring in as much as possible quality websites under the Adsense umbrella.

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What is Google Zeitgeist means

What is Google Zeitgeist means

The one of famous search engine Google has opened a new service known as a Google Zeitgeist. The service will aware about a search trends of the past and present. It also allow you to track popular searches at certain moment.
Google Zeitgeist is a snapshot in time of what people are searching for on Google all over the world. It's an interesting way to people-watch, and since Google is the most-used search engine on the Web, it's a great way to get some behind the scenes (kind of) data and statistics on what people are searching for.
“Zeitgeist” means “the spirit of the times,” and this spirit can be seen through the aggregation of millions of search queries Google receives every day. The annual Zeitgeist report reveals what captured the world's attention in the past year—our passions, interests and defining moments as seen through search.

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Your blog overall strategy

Your blog overall strategy

As you research and plan you should be coming up with an overall strategy.
This should include a niche that you want to blog in, an angle on that niche to differentiate your site, a plan for what types and formats of content you will publish, and ideas for how you will grow within your niche.

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Planning your blog Content

Planning your blog Content

There are many types of content that you can put into a blog, ranging from news posts to how-to tutorials. An important part of how you approach a niche is to determine what you are going to be publishing.
We’ll discuss preparing, editing, and styles of content in detail.
For now let’s look broadly at some different content groups and formats to make the big picture decisions on what your blog will look like.

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Understanding the blog niche

Understanding the blog niche

At this point you have gathered a fair amount of information about your competitors and the topic area you are planning to build a blog in. With this knowledge, you are ready to map out the lay of the land and to plot a course for your new blog that accounts for challenges particular to your new niche.

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Your role and Blogging experience

Your role and Blogging experience

As an entrepreneur you should be expecting to get your hands dirty in building your new business. If you are partially or completely bootstrapping the operation, this may mean taking the approach that hobby bloggers take and doing pretty much everything yourself. But even if you plan to hire staff, it’s still good to actively work in one or more of the roles in the business.
In particular, it’s a very good idea to have experience in the writing and editing capacities. These are the pillars of blogging and knowing them intimately is not only important should you be short-staffed, but it will also help you with planning and strategy.
Beyond writing and editing, your role as entrepreneur is really to do whatever is needed. This might mean high-level tasks like marketing, accounting, monetization, and management. It will probably also include a lot of strategy and set-up work. we will guide you through the many and varied tasks you will find yourself working on.

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A sketch of a Blog Business

A sketch of a Blog Business

What does a blog business look like? Who works there? How does it operate? While every business is unique in its operation, it’s possible to sketch out a broad set of roles to get a picture of what a blog business might look like, what staff will be needed, how workflow might be organized, and how a blog business might actually function on a day-to-day level. We’ll expand on this sketch in later to flesh out a fully function model of
blog business.

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Risk and reward of blogging business

Risk and reward of blogging business

Every business investment comes with risk and certainly blogging is no sure thing. The risks in creating a business out of blogging include:
1. Choosing a Low Potential Niche:
Perhaps the biggest risk you run is creating the wrong blog. If you start a blog in a niche that has limited potential either because of the audience, the competition, or the revenue potential, then you create a significant impediment to success. You can shift the blog, reinvent it, invent a new way of finding revenue, trounce the competition somehow, or grow the topic’s audience ... or you can choose a niche with strong potential to begin with! We’ll deal with selecting a niche in the next

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Blogging as Business opportunities

Blogging as Business opportunities

Approaching blogging as an entrepreneur looking to build a business, is very different from the view taken by a hobby blogger.
From the very beginning, you will be planning and thinking about the blog as a product: what it will cost, what it might return, how it will grow, and where it’s heading. You might be alone, or you might have partners and investors. You might begin with a lot of capital, or you might bootstrap the operation with whatever resources you can find. Most importantly, as someone looking to build a business, you will always have your eye on the bigger picture, and that’s what this blog talking is about.

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Thursday, 5 January 2012

How a search engine finds a paid link

How a search engine finds a paid link

We know that paid linking is spamming, how a search distinguish b/w paid and free linking? What is paid linking exactly or how to handle all this
Google and most other search engines use links to determine reputation. Link-based analysis is an extremely useful way of measuring a site's value, and has greatly improved the quality of web search. A site's ranking in Google search results is partly based on analysis of those sites that link to it. Both the quantity and, more importantly, the quality of links count towards this rating, that it is free or paid links.

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Facebook the 2011's most visited site in US

Facebook the 2011's most visited site in US

Google has been the most visited site of 2011 in US, with Facebook coming a close second, a new study has revealed.
The survey, conducted by Nielsen, suggests that more than 153 million visitors clicked onto Google branded pages each month, while Facebook attracted close to 138 million visitors.
As Yahoo came third with about 130 million visitors each month.
Well google and facebook are two different companies. Is like comparing Apple and Microsoft. One sells computers, phones, tablets and software while the other just specializes in software. Similarly, Google offers their users everything from online search, maps, email, social network etc while Facebook is really only a social network.

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Learn HTML and CSS

Learn HTML and CSS

This book packages W3Schools content in an attractive two-color design that gets beginning Web developers and designers up and running with the core Web development technologies. To-the-point tutorials with clear examples and simple explanations give novices the knowledge they need to get going with confidence.

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Download One Of The Most Important Books Adsense Secrets 4

Download One Of The Most Important Books Adsense Secrets 4

I am new to this phenomenon of 'making money online', I have spent hours reading and investigating how it all works. It has opened up a whole new level of interest - I am getting a buzz about something new and I like it! But I have to say their are times when I think "what on earth is going on here!" because like all areas of life you get the cons and the scams, avoid the scams though and their are people genuinely interested in providing quality info at a price. So where does Adsense Secrets 4, by Joel Comm, fit? is it a scam or the genuine deal?

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Google sandbox is an imaginary term with Google

Google sandbox is an imaginary term with Google

What is google sandbox?
If we get more and more back-link on the site and make use duplicate content then it will count as spamming and Google will keep it in the sandbox due to which the ranking of our site will stop that true?
There is nothing called sandbox... None of the Google representatives ever confirmed its existence.
People refer “Sandbox” to sites that are "restricted" in some ways in performance, limiting their ability to do well in the SERPs for certain/all search terms etc.

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Secret money on facebook

Secret money on facebook

Learn how to utilize the secrets of Facebook to make money online. These are the methods to make a very good income through this social networking site! Some people don't disclose the real secrets..But I Do


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